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How to add a product? - Knowledgebase / Administrator Help / Products - MemberNova Support

How to add a product?

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To add a Product, follow the steps below:

  1. Click Financials or the Page icon on the left menu, then click Products.

  2. Click on the Add Product button. In the Add Product pop-up box, you will see the following options:

    • Product Name - The name for the product.

    • Product Code - This code helps the organization track the sales of the product within the organization's credit card processor's reports.

    • Permalink - The permalink or website page address to view the product on the Store page. Eg.

    • Image - The image for the product.

    • Description - A brief description about the product.

    • Full Description - A full description about the product.

    • Minimum (Optional) - The minimum amount a person can order.

    • Maximum (Optional) - The maximum amount a person can order.

  3. Within the Options section, add the product options along with its price:

    • Name - The name of the option of the Product. Eg. The product could be a Shirt and the options are: XS, SM, M, etc.

    • Code - This helps the organization track the sales for this option of the product within the organization's credit card processor's reports.

    • Price - The price of the option of product.

    • Limit - The maximum amount of options available for all persons ordering the product.

    • Eye Icon - Click this icon to hide the product option from the website.

    • Trash Can Icon - This deletes the option.

    • Down arrow - Displays more options.

      • Allow Public Registration - Allows non-members to purchase this option.

      • Minimum (Optional) - The minimum amount a person can order.

      • Maximum (Optional) - The maximum amount a person can order.

      • Prices - The different prices the option can have based on the membership type.

      • Send notification to the buyer with more information about this product option - After the buyer purchases the option they will receive an email with more details about the option.

    • Add Option button - Allows you to add another option.


      You can reorder the product options by clicking and dragging the three vertical dots.

  4. Link the product with the GL Account.

  5. Click the Save button once done.

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