Once a document has been uploaded, should any changes need to be made, you can use the Edit option to make changes to the document’s name or replace it with an updated version.
Supported file types that can be uploaded are: bmp, doc, docx, eps, gif, html, htm, jpeg, jpg, pdf, png, ppt, pptx, pub, swf, tif, txt, vsd, xls, xlsx, rtf, and zip.
How to Edit a Document
In the Documents area, click Edit on the same row as the document you would like to change.
This allows you to edit the:
Title - The title of the document.
Permalink - The URL/address of the document (this gets automatically generated).
Description - The document's description.
Folder - The folder the document will be saved in.
Access Level - The access level of the document.
Public - Any one can see this document.
Requires Login - Only members can see the document.
File - Option to upload a new document from your computer to replace the current one.
Click Save once done.