Built-in pages are system created pages that update automatically as you update related information within your website. The Built-in pages include:
Contact Us - A page where an individual can send an email to the current Website Contact.
Bulletin List - A page which lists all of the organization’s public bulletins.
Event Calendar - A page which displays the organization's events within a calendar format.
Events (Card View) - A page which displays the organization’s upcoming events within a grid view.
Events List - A page which lists the organization’s upcoming events.
Photo Albums - This page displays any photo albums created by the organization, allowing quick access to view the photos and a slideshow.
Search - Allows an individual to search keywords for content on the website.
Stories - A list of the organization’s stories.
These built-in pages can be selected when adding new menu items to the website’s navigation menu, or when creating a link within a story or custom widget.