Widgets are used to add content to your website, custom page or bulletin. There are several different types of widgets.
How to add a widget
While editing the website, custom page, or bulletin please click on the button named Content.
This will display a list of widgets. If you click on the arrows you can collapse or expand each group. There are two icons on the widgets:
+ (Plus icon) - This means the widget will be created when you drag it over to the page.
Magnifying glass - This means the widget already exists. When you click on the magnifying glass it provides you with a preview of the content of the widget.
Click and hold your mouse button down on the widget you would like to use.
Drag your mouse over to an area on the left side which says Drop Here or on top of an existing widget.
To place the widget, let go of the mouse button.
How to edit a widget and its options
To edit a widget click on it, this brings you into the editor.
To see the widget's options hover over it and you will see a few icons:
Box with an arrow - This allows you to edit the widget.
Gear - The properties of the widget.
X - Removes the widget. You can add it back again if needed from the right side.
Clicking the White X does not delete the widget, rather it removes it from the page or bulletin.
List of Widgets
Preformatted Widgets - These provide the option to display content using different layouts, without the need to know how to code.
Left/Right Image with Text - A widget with a text box with an image to the left/right.
Image with Caption - An image with a text box below it.
Triple Image Above Text - Three images with a text box below each one.
Article with Left/Right Image - A text box with an image to the left/right, with a title and a button.
Text Only - A text box.
Triple/Double Column Text - Three/Two text boxes arranged in columns.
Single Button - A single button which can be used to create a link.
Call To Action - A header with three buttons in a row which can be used to create links.
Text boxes can contain text, images, and more.
Essentials - Popular widgets to have on the page:
Custom Pages - Displays a list of Custom Pages which are selected to be shared on the home page.
Home Page Photo Albums - Displays a list of Photo Albums which are selected to be shared on the home page.
Home Page Stories - Displays a list of Stories which are selected to be shared on the home page.
Contact Us - A small form which a person can fill out to send an email to a set email address. To minimize spam, the email address is not displayed on the page.
Carousel - A widget which has rotating images pulled from a particular Photo Album.
Links - A widget which displays a list of links.
Events - A widget which displays a list of upcoming events.
Bulletin & PR - Widgets relate to the bulletin and public relations:
All Sponsors - A list of all sponsors pulled from the Sponsors module.
Animated Sponsors - A box with rotating sponsors, pulled from the Sponsors module.
Single Sponsor - A single sponsor pulled from the Sponsors module. When the page gets refreshed, it displays a different sponsor.
Bulletins - A list of selected bulletins.
Facebook Like Button - When a site visitor clicks the icon to "Like" the page, it links to the visitor's Facebook account. Depending on the visitor's Facebook settings, this may appear in their Facebook news feed and link others to your page.
Facebook Plugin - This automatically displays posts and notices from the organization's Facebook page.
RSS - A custom RSS feed.
Custom Widgets (Global) - This widget allows you to add custom content in it. It could be text, images, website code, and more. The term Global means the same widget can be displayed and updated on other custom pages too. This is helpful if you want the same content to be displayed on multiple custom pages.
Custom Widgets (Page Specific) - This widget allows you to add custom content in it. It could be text, images, website code, and more. The term Page Specific means the widget cannot be displayed or updated on other custom pages, it is only available on this page. This is helpful for content you don't need to reuse.
Widget properties
After clicking on the gear icon, it takes you into the widget's properties. Some widgets have different properties than others. Below are the most common:
Show Border - Displays a border around the widget, based on the website's theme.
Padding Left - Adds padding/spacing on the left side of the widget.
Padding Right - Adds padding/spacing on the right side of the widget.
Padding Top - Adds padding/spacing on the top of the widget.
Padding Bottom - Adds padding/spacing on the bottom of the widget.
Border Style - Different styles of borders can be selected.
Border Thickness - How many pixels the border thickness is.
Border Color - The color of the border around the widget.
Header Properties
Title - The name/title of the widget.
Show Title - Show or hide the title of the widget.
Background Color - The color of the title's background.
Content Properties
Content Background Color - The color of the background.
Font - The type of font used in the widget's content
Color - The color of the content in the widget.
Content Title Link Color - The color of the content's title.